If you're still having issues, please contact us by submitting a support ticket! We hope this helps! You will just have to redownload them back on to the device, no repurchasing necessary!

We understand your frustration with this, since games should not take this long to download. Hello there, D3C4D3S! Oh no, we're so sad to see that Blade & Sorcery: Nomad has been stuck downloading for a few days. Thank you all so much for any suggestions you may have. I'm just a mom trying to help her kid, so any basic layman's explanation will help me greatly.

Any thoughts or info out there about this.? I figured a factory reset would be the final effort- but would he still be able to redownload purchased games? What all would be lost vs saved in a reset if it were to come to this.? He's unable to play any online games that's needing updates as they too become queued. He's able to play other downloaded games already on his quest but can't do anything else as they become "queued" behind the installation in progress. Nothing works as far as what would seem a common, simple fix. We've tried to cancel the install with no luck on finding a way to do so, refund the purchase via Oculus app, tried uninstalling other games/apps in hopes freeing up space would help with the installation process. Since then, it's been "installing", going on several days now. We recently purchased Blades and Sorcery Nomad on our Oculus Quest 2.